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Title: Організаційно-економічне забезпечення екологізації сільського господарства в умовах сталого розвитку
Other Titles: Organizational and economic support of greening of agriculture in conditions of sustainable development
Authors: Бурляй, Аліна Павлівна
Burliai, Alina
Keywords: екологізація
екологічне сільське господарство
органічне виробництво
сільське господарство
організаційноекономічне забезпечення
сталий розвиток
ecological agriculture
organic production
sustainable development
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Бурляй А. П. Організаційно-економічне забезпечення екологізації сільського господарства в умовах сталого розвитку : автореферат дис. ... доктора економ. наук. Миколаїв : МНАУ, 2020. 47 с.
Abstract: У дисертації комплексно досліджено процес формування організаційноекономічного забезпечення екологізації сільського господарства України в умовах сталого розвитку. Розвинуто та систематизовано понятійно-термінологічний апарат та методологічні підходи до процесу організаційно-економічного забезпечення екологізації сільського господарства. Проведено оцінку екологодеструктивного впливу сільського господарства на навколишнє природне середовище та досліджено особливості інституційного забезпечення екологізації даної сфери. Проведено моніторинг еколого-економічних умов функціонування сільського господарства України за допомогою визначення запропонованого інтегрального показника екологізації сільського господарства. Визначено залежність розвитку сільського господарства від еколого-економічних чинників. Проведено оцінку розвитку органічного сільського господарства в Україні та фінансового забезпечення екологізації галузі. Обґрунтовано пріоритетні напрями екологізації сільського господарства, серед яких визначальна роль належить вдосконаленню напрямів державної підтримки та системи екологічного менеджменту. Удосконалено організаційноекономічне забезпечення екологізації сільського господарства за рахунок діджиталізації виробничих процесів, оптимізації структури посівів та розвитку біоенергетики.
In the dissertation the process of formation of organizational and economic maintenance of greening of the agrarian sphere of economy of Ukraine in the conditions of sustainable development is comprehensively investigated. The conceptual and terminological apparatus of the process of organizational and economic support of greening of the agricultural sector with the definition of "sustainable agricultural development", "greening of agriculture", "eco-innovation" is developed and systematized. Greening of agriculture is a controlled process of consistent implementation of technical, technological, economic, managerial, organizational, innovative and other measures for the formation of a sustainable socio-ecological-production system in the process of agricultural activities and agricultural production, which contribute to environmental management, conservation and improving the quality of the environment at the local, regional or global levels. The necessity of greening of agriculture is proved, which is caused by sharp deterioration of ecological condition of natural resources connected with agricultural production, decrease in soil fertility and quality of agricultural products, increase of complex ecologically destructive influence on environment. The assessment of ecologically destructive impact of agriculture on the environment is carried out. The study identified the need for the formation of new institutional approaches to the greening of agriculture on the basis of an effective combination of financial and economic support (economic methods and financial leverage) with methodological, regulatory and information support. It is proposed to improve the legislative provision, the priority requirement of which is environmental safety and rational use of nature and identified the need to adapt Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation, as well as proved the importance of forming an effective certification system in Ukraine. Methodical approaches to the formation of organizational and economic principles of greening of agriculture are studied. The ecological and economic conditions of functioning of the agrarian sphere of the economy were monitored by determining a complex indicator of greening of agriculture on the basis of the analysis of a set of indicators - aridity index, agricultural degradation index lands, ecological and agrochemical score and the coefficient of destructive ecological condition of the region. The study identified the dependence of agricultural development on environmental and economic factors. It is established that the integrated taxonomic indicator of ecological and economic development of agriculture of Ukraine fluctuates over the years, but has a general tendency to increase. An assessment of the development of organic agriculture in Ukraine is made and the main reasons for the slow progress of organic agricultural production in Ukraine are summarized. The financial support of greening of the agrarian sphere of the economy is analyzed and the problems of systematic underfunding of the sphere of environmental protection are revealed. The necessity of financial support for the greening of the agricultural sector of the economy at all levels - local, regional and state - is proved. According to the results of the research, the role and features of the state support for the development of greening of agriculture are substantiated. The directions of state regulation of agriculture in the field of greening are generalized, which can be divided into three groups: direct state support, indirect state support and the formation of appropriate institutional support. It is established that in order to achieve environmental goals of sustainable development in agriculture it is necessary to introduce a system of environmental management, the main vector of which should be the transition from a linear model of the industry to its activities on a circular economy. Research has proved the importance of a detailed study of economic risks of greening of the agricultural sector of the economy and the classification of risks of greening of the agrisphere: financial and economic risks, production risks, logistics and marketing risks, institutional risks. The main tools for reducing the risk of greening in agriculture at the enterprise level and at the state level are identified. It is revealed that an important component of modern agricultural production is its digitalization, by which we mean the creation, development and application of innovative methods of using information and communication technologies in the agricultural sector of the economy. It is established that digitalization of agriculture helps to reduce the load on land and water resources, improve soil structure and reduce its compaction, reduce the amount of fertilizers and plant protection products, and reduce emissions. A model for optimizing the structure of grain crops taking into account environmental and economic factors has been developed, which will allow increasing the economic and environmental effects of grain production without unnecessary investments. As a result of economic and mathematical modeling (the goal is to maximize the gross output and volumes of carbon dioxide accumulation), an optimized structure of cereal crops in the section of the forest-steppe humidification subzones was obtained. Prospects for the development of bioenergy based on the use of wood waste from pruning and uprooting of perennial plantations are substantiated. The theoretical and technically available potential of wood biomass from pruning and uprooting of perennial plantations in the field of horticulture in Ukraine is calculated, as well as its energy, economic and geographical potentials are determined.
Appears in Collections:Автореферати

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