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dc.contributor.authorВасільєва, Л. М.-
dc.contributor.authorVasilieva, L.-
dc.identifier.citationВасільєва Л. М. Формування професійної етики фахівців економічного профілю в умовах закладу вищої освіти. Modern Economics. 2021. № 26(2021). С. 25-29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V26(2021)-04.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті з’ясовано та теоретично обґрунтовані передумови формування професійної етики фахівців в умовах закладу вищої освіти. Уточнено поняття «професійна етика фахівця» як це професійно-етична діяльність аксіологічного характеру, тобто діяльність, обумовлена цінностями культури, що відображає ступінь володіння спеціальними знаннями, вміннями, компетенціями в сфері етики професії. Виявлено фактори, що впливають на формування професійної етики фахівця в умовах ЗВО: педагогічні (дидактичні засоби), організаційні (структурнозмістовна модель формування етики фахівця, що представляє собою сукупність компонентів: етико-освітнього, культурно-етичного, методичного, компетентнісного та діагностичного), подолання яких в процесі навчання дозволяє переходити з нульового рівня на більш високий.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIt has been established that the modern stage in the development of vocational education involves a qualitative change in approaches to the definition of its content, as well as the need for increased attention to its professional and ethical orientation in connection with the market paradigm of socio-economic development of the country. The system of higher vocational education is designed to help the student in shaping professional competencies of a specialist, as well as helping a person build up the world of own professional and personal values, to master creative ways to solve professional and life problems based on ethical norms and rules necessary for professional mobility of a specialist. Purpose. Research and generalization of scientific representations on the theoretical aspects of the professional ethics formation of specialists and justify the preconditions for the professional ethics formation of specialists in the conditions of higher education institutions. Results. The theoretically substantiated preconditions for the formation of professional ethics of specialists in the conditions of higher education institutions, which are: in exacerbation of contradictions between the objective need of the labor market in specialists with a high level of professional ethics, capable of applying it in the process of professional activity, and insufficient development of pedagogical conditions of its formation in the conditions of higher education institution; in the need to improve the professional sphere of economics, in connection with the priority in it receipt of profits over the universal moral values; in the relevance of the development of a higher vocational education system in the direction of formation of professional ethics students needed by professionals for professional mobility in a market economy. The concept of "professional ethics of a specialist" is specified as this professional and ethical activity of an axiological nature, that is, activities due to the values of culture, reflecting the degree of ownership of special knowledge, skills, competences in the field of ethics profession. The factors influencing the formation of professional ethics of a specialist in conditions of HEI: pedagogical (didactic drugs), organizational (structural and content model of the formation of ethics of a specialist, which is a set of components: ethicaleducational, cultural and ethical, methodical, competent and diagnostic) whose overcoming in the learning process allows you to move from a zero level to higher. Conclusions. By studying psychological and pedagogical literature, it has been concluded that the structure of professional ethics of a specialist includes cognitive, emotional, communicative, reflexive and educational components. The structural-content model of the formation of ethics of a specialist is proposed, which is a set of components: ethical and educational, cultural and ethical, methodological, competent and diagnostic.-
dc.subjectзаклади вищої освітиuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофесійна етикаuk_UA
dc.subjectзаклади вищої освітиuk_UA
dc.subjectпрофесійна етикаuk_UA
dc.titleФормування професійної етики фахівців економічного профілю в умовах закладу вищої освітиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeFormation of Professional Ethics of Specialists in Economic Profile in Conditions of Higher Education Institutionuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2021. - Вип. 26

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