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Title: The effects of using a case study method for environmental education
Authors: Rudyshyn, S. D.
Stakhova, I. A.
Шарата, Наталія Григорівна
Sharata, Nataliya
Березовська, Тетяна Всеволодівна
Berezovska, Tatiana
Кравченко, Тетяна Пилипівна
Kravchenko, Tatyana
Keywords: environmental education
tertiary education
primary school
case study method
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Rudyshyn, S. D., Stakhova, I. A., Sharata, N. H., Berezovska, T. V., & Kravchenko, T. P. (2021). The effects of using a case study method for environmental education // International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(6), 319-340. doi:10.26803/IJLTER.20.6.17
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the quality of the case study method for developing practical skills related to environmentally friendly behavior that is in line with the professional orientations of two student groups of different nonenvironmental specialties. Research methods included an ascertaining and forming experiment; questionnaires with open and closed questions; project modeling; collection and mathematical and statistical evaluation of empirical data; graphic methods of statistical data processing; comparative analysis of the findings; functional analysis of empirical data; analysis of causal relationships; and generalization and forecasting. According to the results of secondary diagnostics that involved the distribution of students by zones of success, revealed a significant increase in indicators of activity-behavioral aspects of professionally oriented environmental education. In Group I, 3.1% of students were in the area of undesirable indicators, and in Group II, it was 4.0%. The neutral area with confused tendencies was occupied by 33.8% of students of Group I, and 20.3% of Group II. The targeted area of clearly positive dynamics involved 63.1% of Group I, and of Group II, 75.7%. Further enquiry into the research issue should relate to enhancing the case study method in the framework of environmental education.
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