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dc.contributor.authorКаратєєва, Олена Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorKarateeva, Helena-
dc.contributor.authorГалушко, Ірина Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorGalushko, Irina-
dc.contributor.authorКравченко, Олена Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorKravchenko, Helen-
dc.contributor.authorГиль, Михайло Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorGill, Mikhail-
dc.identifier.citationKarateeva H., Galushko I., Kravchenko H., Gill M. Use of entropic and information analysis of living weight of dairy cows for productivity // Scientific Papers. Series D. Animal Science. 2021. Vol. LXIV, № 2. P. 58-63.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the article, due to the use of entropy-informational analysis, the statistical parameters of the biological system, the degree of its entropy of absolute and relative organization, which is represented by the live weight of dairy cows, have been studied. It has been established that biological systems, regardless of the breed factor, become more ordered at the age of nine and fifteen months, as well as at their birth. It has also been proven that cows of the Ukrainian blackand-white dairy breed have lower values of unconditional entropy, that is, entropy tends to zero, and the system becomes more orderly. Thus, animals with high levels of ordering of systems in terms of live weight, respectively, will have a high degree of ordering of systems represented by the main indicators of milk productivity. This can serve as a kind of marker when predicting it.uk_UA
dc.subjectbody weightuk_UA
dc.subjectdairy cattleuk_UA
dc.subjectеntropy and information analysis (EIA)uk_UA
dc.titleUse of entropic and information analysis of living weight of dairy cows for productivityuk_UA
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