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Title: Страхування як напрям гарантування економічної безпеки туристичного бізнесу
Other Titles: Insurance as a Direction of Guaranteeing the Financial Cecurity of the Tourism Business
Authors: Шишпанова, Наталія Олександрівна
Shyshpanova, Nataliya
Keywords: страхування
туристичне страхування
безпека в туризмі
travel insurance
security in tourism
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Шишпанова Н. О. Страхування як напрям гарантування економічної безпеки туристичного бізнесу. Modern Economics. 2022. № 32(2022). С. 98-103. DOI:
Shyshpanova N. (2022). Insurance as a direction of guaranteeing the financial security of the tourism business. Modern Economics, 32(2022), 98-103. DOI:
Abstract: Визначено, що туристичне страхування є складовою системи безпеки в туристичній індустрії і його можна розглядати як систему взаємозв’язків між страховою компанією, туристом та суб’єктами туристичної індустрії для забезпечення захисту майнових інтересів учасників відносин, що виникають при здійсненні туристичної діяльності. Проаналізовано сучасний стан розвитку вітчизняного ринку страхових послуг та туристичного страхування. Визначено, що найбільший сегмент на ринку туристичного страхування в Україні займає страхування медичних витрат. Нині страхові компанії створюють системи страхування, що в залежності від їх вартості можуть включати певний перелік послуг, зокрема як послуги евакуації та надання першої невідкладної медичної допомоги, так і цілей спектр таких послуг як: оплата візиту родичів до постраждалого туриста у країні-перебування, стоматологічна допомога тощо.
Tourism for many countries is a priority for the national economy, as this industry has a positive multiplier effect on other economic activities. The high degree of riskiness of tourist activity necessitates the use of insurance mechanisms and insurance protection for all participants in the tourist market. Insurance allows you to optimize resources for the organization of insurance protection. It contributes to the rational structure of funds aimed at preventing (or promptly eliminating) the effects of risks that hinder the activities of economic entities. Purpose. The aim is to determine the role of insurance in ensuring the economic security of the tourism business and to develop practical recommendations for the development of insurance protection in the field of tourism. Results. Ensuring the safety of life and health of tourists and excursionists in Ukraine is a necessary condition for quality in the organization of tourist and excursion programs and a priority for all actors in the hospitality industry. The system of services to provide insurance protection against risky situations during a tourist trip is quite complex. This is due to the heterogeneity of probable adverse events that may occur at a particular time or under certain circumstances. Such services include insurance of life and health of the tourist, his property and liability, etc. Specific types of insurance against tourist risks are insurance in case of transport delays, bad weather during the stay of insured persons on vacation, as well as failure to provide or improper provision of services specified in the tourist voucher, etc. The current state of development of the domestic market of insurance services and travel insurance is analyzed. It is determined that the largest segment of the travel insurance market in Ukraine is health insurance. Insurance companies are currently creating insurance systems that, depending on their cost, may include a range of services, including evacuation and first aid services, as well as a range of services such as: payment for visits by relatives to the injured tourist in the host country, dental help, etc. Conclusions It was found that the main factors hindering the development of tourism insurance are: low insurance culture of tourists, owners and employees of tourism enterprises; public distrust of financial institutions; cases of insurance fraud against consumers of tourist services; imperfect legal framework and organizational and economic support, etc. A number of measures at the macro and micro levels are proposed for the development of tourism insurance in Ukraine, which will minimize threats to the safety of tourists and help ensure the economic security of the tourism business.
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2022. - Вип. 32
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