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Title: Development of an installation for the analysis of the process of electroplasmolysis of plant raw materials
Authors: Чурило, Руслан Євгенійович
Churilo, Ruslan
Keywords: raw plant
laboratory equipment
Issue Date: 2023
Citation: Churylo R. Development of an installation for the analysis of the process of electroplasmolysis of plant raw materials // Сучасна наука: інновації та перспективи : матеріали міжнар. мультидисциплінарної наук.-практ. інтернет-конференції молодих дослідників, здобувачів вищої освіти та науковців, 6-7 квітня 2023 р., м. Київ. Київ, 2023. С. 282-284.
Abstract: Fruit and vegetable raw materials are a very important and valuable basis for obtaining healthy food products. Fruits and vegetables, being sources of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, dietary fibers and natural antioxidants, contribute to the regulation of the most important physiological functions of the body. Therefore, fruit and vegetable processing technologies should be focused on the rational use of raw materials with maximum preservation of physiologically valuable components of raw materials and an increase in the warranty period of storage of finished products.
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