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Title: Формування адреналінової залежності мешканців прифронтових територій: гендерний вектор
Other Titles: Formation of Adrenaline Dependence Inhabitants of Frontline Territories: Gender Vector
Authors: Замкова, Ірина Володимирівна
Zamkova, Iryna
Хозяшев, О. О.
Кhoziashev, Oleksii
Keywords: адреналінова залежність
гендерна ідентичність
травмуючи події
adrenaline addiction
gender identity
traumatizing events
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Замкова І. В., Хозяшев О. О. Формування адреналінової залежності мешканців прифронтових територій: гендерний вектор. Modern Economics. 2024. № 43(2024). С. 35-40. DOI:
Zamkova I., Кhoziashev O. (2024). Formation of Adrenaline Dependence Inhabitants of Frontline Territories: Gender Vector. Modern Economics, 43(2024), 35-40. DOI:
Abstract: Здійснено сутнісну характеристику адреналінової залежності як нестандартного психічного прояву поведінки населення прифронтових територій України на травматичні події війни. Досліджено історичний ракурс впливу війни на психологічне здоров’я чоловіків та жінок, що мешкають на прифронтових територіях. Здійснено аналіз та оцінку результатів емпіричного дослідження формування адреналінової залежності мешканців прифронтових територій (на матеріалах м. Миколаїв). Встановлено та узагальнено способи подолання адреналінової залежності.
. In wartime, residents of the entire territory of Ukraine feel danger, stress, risk and threat to their lives. This is especially true for civilians who live in the frontline areas, near the combat zone, and are under constant rocket fire and shelling. This provokes such a physiological reaction as the release of adrenaline, which makes the residents of frontline cities addicted to adrenaline, which can significantly affect not only family and work relations, but also the general psychological background of a certain area. This phenomenon has a different individual psycho-emotional color depending on the gender of the individual, but the problems it provokes are equally difficult for the entire society. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the scientific bases of the formation of adrenaline addiction among the residents of the front-line territories of Ukraine, emphasizing the specificity due to belonging to the female or male sex, as well as to develop practical recommendations for overcoming this psychophysiological phenomenon. Results. The essential characterization of adrenaline addiction as a non-standard psychological manifestation of the residents of the frontline territories of Ukraine to the traumatic events of the war was carried out. The historical perspective of the impact of the war on the mental health of men and women living in the frontline areas was studied. Analysis and evaluation of the results of an empirical study on the formation of adrenaline addiction among the residents of the frontline territories (based on the materials of the city of Mykolaiv). Ways of overcoming the adrenaline addiction were determined and summarized. Conclusions. The main goal of Ukrainian society in overcoming adrenaline addiction in a significant number of citizens, first of all, those who were in the zone of active hostilities or in the frontline territories, is to reduce the probability of negative consequences in the form of unreasonable exposure to risks for their personal lives. It is important to organize for this category of people such safe ways of feeling the influx of adrenaline, which allow to feel emotional saturation without increased risk to life. However, it should be remembered that it takes some time to successfully overcome the addiction to adrenaline.
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2024. - Вип. 43
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