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Title: Значення та вплив системно важливих банків на стан банківської та економічної системи
Other Titles: The Significance and Influence of the Systemically Important Banks on the Performance of the Banking and Economic System
Authors: Бондаренко, Л. А.
Ухова, І. М.
Bondarenko, Larysa
Ukhova, Iryna
Keywords: системно важливі банки
банківська система
економічна система
макроекономічні показники
економічна криза
банківська криза
systemically important banks
banking system
economic system
macroeconomic indicators
economic crisis
banking crisis
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Миколаївський національний аграрний університет
Citation: Бондаренко Л. А. Значення та вплив системно важливих банків на стан банківської та економічної системи / Л. А. Бондаренко, І. М. Ухова // Modern Economics. - 2019. - № 15. - С. 27-35. - DOI:
Abstract: Стаття присвячена дослідженню питання розвитку економічної та банківської системи, ролі системно важливих банків та їх впливу на зазначені системи, а, отже, і на добробут громадян та процвітання країни. Розкрито стан системно важливих банків та їх концентрацію в банківській системі України: монополізація банківського ринку державними системно важливими банками та акумуляція в них значної частки проблемних кредитів. За результатами дослідження доведено тісний зв'язок системно важливих банків з макросистемою: тотальні наслідки впливу системно важливих банків на кредитування малих та середніх підприємств, що, в свою чергу, тісно пов’язані з зростанням ВВП та експорту. Виокремлено, що системно важливі банки перешкоджають розвитку банківського сектору та економіки країни в цілому через надмірну концентрацію ризиків, що в результаті неефективного менеджменту призводять до хронічної кризи.
Banks have a significant impact on a nation’s production and economic situation. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the spread of banking processes to other areas of activity is carried out on the principle of the effect of infection and dominoes. In order to avoid imbalances in the process of social development, it is necessary to ensure the sustainable development of the banking, financial and economic system. Particular attention should be paid to the management of the sustainability, stability and solvency of systemically important banks, since they hold significant assets, liabilities, and capital. Violation of the balance in the activities of such banks may cost the banking system and the economy "very dearly". Purpose. The purpose of this study is to highlight and justify the significance and impact of SIB on the development of the banking and economic systems through the prism of economic processes in the country. Results. The article is devoted to the research of one of the important issues of the development of the modern economic and banking system - the role of systemically important banks, their influence on the mentioned systems, and consequently on the welfare of the population and prosperity of the country. The research reveals the monopolization of the banking market by the state systemically important banks and their accumulation of a significant share of problem loans. According to the results of the study, the close connection of systemically important banks with the macro system was proved: the total effects of the impact of systemically important banks on lending to small and medium-sized enterprises, which, in turn, is closely related to the growth of GDP and exports. It is emphasized that systemically important banks hinder the development of the banking sector and the economy of the country as a whole due to the excessive concentration of risks resulting from ineffective management resulting in a chronic crisis. Conclusions. CSB is a significant component of the banking system and catalyzes socio-economic processes in the country. As for Ukraine, the banking system is monopolized by three state-owned banks: PrivatBank, Oschadbank and Ukreximbank. The presence of SIB is a threat to the economy and the banking system, but when these banks are public, this threat is dual. It is important to note that before a certain moment, CSR accelerates the development of the financial market and generates innovative banking products, but in the event of an ineffective system of risk management—controlling and misuse of the market share by board members—the consequences may be total. Concerning the direct influence and interconnection of CSR with the main macroeconomic indicators, we conclude that the growth of exports is possible only by stimulating production through lending. The privatization of state-owned banks and the development of standards for the "antitrust" banking market (the share of the 1st bank should not exceed 16.7%) should become the priority issue number one for the NBU. Monopoly SIBs will never be able to offer cheap credit resources (and thus stimulate production and the economy altogether) and provide such interest rates on deposits that would cover the inflationary effect and increase (or at least maintain the same level of) capital of individuals.
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2019. - Вип. 15

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