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Title: Оцінка розвитку зернового ринку Причорноморського регіону
Other Titles: Assessment of the Development of the Grain Market of the Black Sea Region
Authors: Порудєєва, Т. В.
Porudeyeva, Tatyana
Keywords: зерновиробництво
Причорноморський регіон
grain production
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Порудєєва Т. В. Оцінка розвитку зернового ринку Причорноморського регіону / Т. В. Порудєєва // Modern Economics. - 2019. - № 17. - С. 187-192. - DOI:
Abstract: У статті розглянуто тенденції розвитку зернової галузі Причорноморського регіону України. Проаналізовано динаміку ефективності виробництва зернової продукції сільськогосподарськими підприємствами регіону. З’ясовано, що зернове господарство Причорномор’я активно розвивається, попри труднощі і тиск різних факторів. Розраховано індекси виявленої конкурентної переваги Баласса та Лафея для Причорноморського регіону та виявлено перспективні товарні напрями для диверсифікації. Визначено основні проблеми розвитку зернового ринку та окреслено основні перспективні напрями їх вирішення, а саме: підвищення якості зерна; розробка нової концепції експорту зерна; активне впровадження інновацій та розвиток інфраструктури зернового господарства.
The degree of food supply to a certain extent depends on the effective development of a basic branch of agriculture - grain production and the functioning of the grain market. At the same time, in order to maintain the price disparity in the commodity exchange between agriculture and other sectors of the national economy, the growth of imports of finished goods and semi-finished food products, there are negative consequences for the functioning of the grain market and its processed products, and the provision of the population with domestic food. Purpose. In relation to the current stage, it is necessary to deepen the conduct of comprehensive studies of the prospects for the development of the grain market of the Black Sea region. This formulates the relevance of the problem, which determines the purpose of the article. Results. The Black Sea region occupies the southern part of Ukraine and has a favorable economic and geographical position. The period of positive dynamic development in the economic system of the Black Sea region has been significantly achieved by activating the production sector, as evidenced by the increase in gross regional product. Production of grain and leguminous crops in the Black Sea region in 2018 amounted to 9261 thousand tons compared to 2016. grain production in the region decreased by 130.2 thousand tons, which is due to lower yields. In the Black Sea region for the period 2016-2018, there is a tendency to a decrease in productivity of wheat by 8.3% and barley by 5.7%. We observe an increase in the yield of corn by 43.1% from 2017 to 2018. The calculated indices of the identified competitive advantage of Balass and Lafey for the Black Sea region have revealed promising product lines for diversification, namely ferrous metals and products from grain and oilseeds. In 2018, the grain export of the Black Sea region amounted to $ 1,678 million. The largest volume of grain was taken through the Odessa Sea Port (85 thousand tons). The growth rate of grain exports is clearly ahead of the growth rate of rail transport. In the short term, grain traders and large agricultural producers need to pay attention to the land infrastructure for grain transportation. This applies primarily to investments in updating and expanding the fleet of grain carriers, dredging large rivers, increasing the tonnage of grain barges, building concrete access roads to ports and other important tasks. Conclusions. To strengthen the status of the Black Sea region as one of the main participants in the grain market, special attention should be paid to improving the quality of grain and improving its variety, which will allow the region not only to maintain its current position, but also to occupy new niches in the world market, as well as develop a new concept grain export.
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2019. - Вип. 17

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