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Title: Характеристика реклами на ринку нерухомості Харківської області
Other Titles: Characteristics of advertising in the real estate market of Kharkiv region
Authors: Євтушенко, А. В.
Малько, В. В.
Маслій, В. О.
Evtushenko, Anna
Malko, Vladislava
Masliy, Viktoria
Keywords: ринок нерухомості
реклама на ринку нерухомості
real estate market
advertising in the real estate market
Kharkiv region
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Євтушенко А. В., Малько В. В., Маслій В. О. Характеристика реклами на ринку нерухомості Харківської області. Modern Economics. 2020. № 20(2020). С. 92-98. DOI:
Abstract: У статті виявлено особливості використання реклами на ринку нерухомості Харківської області. Досліджено ринок нерухомості Харківської області за останні 3 роки, виявлено перспективи розвитку та функціонування ринку. Визначено основні тенденції та напрями розвитку реклами як маркетингового засобу просування на даному ринку. Охарактеризовано маркетингові операції стандартної концепції об’єктів нерухомості. Визначено структуру ринку нерухомості Харківської області. Проаналізовано динаміку змін цін на об’єкти первинного та вторинного ринку нерухомості. Виявлені середні ціни на нерухомість та досліджено їх динаміку змін. Проаналізовано найефективніші платформи реклами для проведення операцій з нерухомістю у регіоні. Виявлено основні прогнози та тенденції на ринку нерухомості, а також визначено вплив цього фактору на використання і застосування реклами
The article reveals the features of using advertising on the real estate market of Kharkiv region. The functioning of the real estate market of Kharkiv region for the last 3 years is researched and its development prospects are revealed. Main trends and ways of advertising development as marketing tools of promotion on this market are defined. Marketing operations of standard real estate objects are characterized. Structure of the real estate market in Kharkiv region is determined. Dynamics of the price changes for primary and secondary real estate market objects is analyzed. Average real estate prices are defined and dynamics of its changes is investigated. The most effective advertising platforms for operations with Kharkiv real estate are analyzed. Basic forecasts and trends of the real estate market are detected and influence of this factor on usage and application of advertising is defined. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the use of advertising in the real estate market of Kharkiv region, to determine the main trends of the real estate market and the impact of these trends on the continued use of advertising. Results. The main purpose of real estate marketing is to determine the vision of the object potential buyer and to implement this project as accurately as possible. It is necessary to determine the one that will lead to guaranteed success and increase the number of sales. The real estate market of Kharkiv region of housing can be structured according to the following types: new buildings, buildings of advanced planning, buildings of modern planning, Khrushchev, pancakes and panel buildings. Advertising of real estate in Kharkov is carried out mainly through either billboard or transport advertisements, or through specialized advertising platforms. Conclusions. Real estate advertising is a very complex process that is very different from the advertising of ordinary goods and services. Real estate is a very specific and expensive product, the consumer spends a lot of time, effort, reviewing a lot of sources of information on the process of making a decision to buy or rent. There are also a number of legal restrictions on real estate advertising. In January 2020, the Kharkiv region's real estate market experienced an atypical situation, as activity on the market declines both from the side of sellers and from buyers. Because of this, sellers are trying to offset their costs and increase
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2020. - Вип. 20.

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