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Title: Банківська кооперація в Польщі: досвід для України
Other Titles: Banking Cooperation in Poland: Experience for Ukraine
Authors: Липчук, В. В.
Радух, Н. Б.
Lypchuk, Vasyl
Radukh, Nadiia
Keywords: банки
кредитні спілки
кооперативні банки
credit unions
cooperative banks
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Липчук В. В., Радух Н. Б. Банківська кооперація в Польщі: досвід для України. Modern Economics. 2020. № 20(2020). С. 147-155. DOI:
Abstract: У статті розглянуто історію та процес становлення банківської кооперації у Польщі, місце та особливості її функціонування в умовах інтенсивної конкуренції на ринку банківських продуктів. Охарактеризовано роль кооперативних банків у процесі фінансового охоплення та активного управління місцевими ресурсами для локального та регіонального розвитку. Представлено стратегії кооперативних банків, орієнтованих на мінімізацію фінансового відчуження та соціальної ізоляції вкладників з нестабільним фінансовим станом. Визначено ключові елементи функціонування банківської кооперації в контексті реалізації цього процесу в Україні.
There are many discussions about the development of the Ukrainian banking sector for a long time, as they have a serious political and social resonance. The key condition for the development of the national economy is the development of the banking sector, which is a part of the financial system and ensures the redistribution of financial resources between all market entities - households, economic entities and the state, directing them into priority sectors of the economy. Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to study the Polish experience of cooperative banks in the context of the possibilities of its implementation in domestic realities. Results. The banking cooperative system should be built on three levels: local (local cooperative banks), regional (regional cooperative banks) and national (central cooperative bank). It is necessary to take into account the possibility of creating a set of measures for the development of regional financial infrastructure, which will provide an opportunity to ensure a comprehensive financial and investment growth of each territorial-administrative unit in the conditions of socio-economic decline of remote territories. In Ukrainian realities, the formation of cooperative banks could contribute to the transformation of ownership structure, first of all, the reduction of the state capital and the concentration of the banking sector to meet the needs of cooperative banks participants, because their main function is to mediate the redistribution of funds between entities with a surplus of financial resources and entities with a deficit in them. This goal can be achieved by forming cooperative groups characterized by the structure of the inverted pyramid, in which local or regional banks, together with their members, own a central institution and its specialized subsidiaries. Conclusions. Tasks that need to be solved to realize the strategic goals of the development of cooperative banks in Ukraine are identified. The history and process of formation a banking cooperative in Poland, its place in the market and features of functioning in the condition of intense competition in the banking products market are considered. The role of cooperative banks in the process of financial coverage and active management of local resources for local development is characterized, taking into account needs of people who are excluded not only financially but also socially. The strategies of cooperative banks aimed at minimizing the financial exclusion and social exclusion of participants with unstable financial status are studied. The key elements of functioning of banking cooperation in the context of implementation of this process in Ukraine are identified.
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2020. - Вип. 20.

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