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Title: Інноваційні технології віддаленого добору персоналу в цифровому середовищі
Other Titles: Innovative Technologies of Remote Recruitment in the Digital Environment
Authors: Кравчук, О. І.
Варіс, І. О.
Демешко, А. С.
Kravchuk, O.
Varis, I.
Demeshko, A.
Keywords: добір
віддалений добір
цифровій добір
соціальний добір
цифрові технології добору
remote recruitment
digital recruitment
social recruitment
digital recruitment technology
Issue Date: 2021
Citation: Кравчук О. І., Варіс І. О., Демешко А. С. Інноваційні технології віддаленого добору персоналу в цифровому середовищі. Modern Economics. 2021. № 27(2021). С. 49-60. DOI:
Abstract: Стаття присвячена дослідженню технологій реалізації процесу добору персоналу в умовах соціального дистанціювання, пов’язаних з пандемією COVID-19. Проаналізовано тенденції розвитку віддаленого добору персоналу та виділено напрями трансформації процесу добору персоналу в епоху соціального дистанціювання. Розроблено рекомендації щодо трансформації процесу віддаленого добору персоналу в нових нормальних умовах. Узагальнено види програмного забезпечення для автоматизації віддаленого добору персоналу та сформовано модель цифрової екосистеми віддаленого добору персоналу, яка включає цифрові інструменти автоматизації процесу добору персоналу, платформи залучення кандидатів, технології соціального добору персоналу, інструменти штучного інтелекту і роботизації. Обґрунтовано основні виклики цифровізації віддаленого добору персоналу в нових нормальних умовах та можливі відповіді на них у пандемічний та постпандемічний періоди.
The new socio-economic reality that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has forced modern business to adapt all its commercial processes, including the recruitment process, to “new norms”. Virtual communications are now becoming a daily standard since most companies face the impossibility to implement its recruitment processes in traditional ways successfully. This means that remote recruitment will become a new norm for implementation in the process of personnel management. Therefore, there is a need to find and examine the best digital forms and tools for remote recruitment during COVID-19 and in the post-pandemic period. Purpose. Despite the scientific achievements in the study of innovative and digital technologies of recruitment, there are no answers to the questions “How exactly should the recruitment process be implemented remotely?” and “What innovative recruitment technologies can ensure its effectiveness in the virtual digital environment?” All of this determines the need and relevance of the study. Therefore, the aim of the article is to define conceptual and applied foundations for remote recruitment implementation in virtual digital environment within the context of social distancing which is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Results. The article examines some innovative technologies for the remote recruitment process in terms of social distancing. The main tendencies of remote recruitment have been analyzed; the directions of recruitment process transformation in time of social distancing have been identified; recommendations for further transformation of the remote recruitment process have been developed. The article generalizes types of software for remote recruitment and forms a digital ecosystem model for remote recruitment, which includes digital tools for recruitment process automation, candidates attracting platforms, social recruitment technologies, artificial intelligence, and robotics tools. The main challenges and possible answers to digitalization and remote recruitment in the pandemic and post-pandemic periods have been validated. Conclusions. The remote format has significantly transformed existing trends in the recruitment process. These trends will shape new methods of attracting, selecting, and recruiting job candidates. Analysis of the methods and their peculiarities allowed us to conclude that its effective implementation in the digital environment depends on innovative technologies, namely: collaborative recruitment, marketing recruitment, employer branding, transfer (soft) skills, artificial intelligence, and selection. On the other hand, selection should consider, among others, socio-cultural diversity, candidate databases, digital selection, selection of project staff, recruitment based on big data, flexibility, and involvement of generation. To be effective, the recruitment process may use online advertising on job portals, artificial intelligence based on screening algorithms and resume filtering to select promising candidates, online skills testing, communication via e-mail messengers and recruitment chatbots, video interviewing. The following sequence of subprocesses is optimal for remote recruitment: planning and forecasting of workforce challenges, online vacancy announcements placing, usage of digital remote recruitment tools, usage of video interviewing, organization of constant communication with the remote recruitment team, organization constant communication with candidates and virtualization the process of adaptation. In our opinion, the current digital tools for automating remote recruitment include following groups of software: for screening candidates, for automating recruitment, for attracting talents, for video interviews and for operating with job platforms. The main way to ensure effective implementation of remote recruitment in the context of social distancing is to build and maintain a digital ecosystem of remote recruitment, which should include tools for automating recruitment processes, platforms for attracting candidates, digital technologies for social recruitment, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
Appears in Collections:Modern Economics. - 2021. - Вип. 27

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